Dr. Zohar Raviv
International VP of Educational Strategy, Birthright Israel

Raviv is an internationally recognized Jewish thought-leader, educator and speaker, serving as International Vice President of Educational Strategy for Taglit-Birthright Israel, as well as Scholar in Residence for both The ICenter and Momentum Unlimited. Raviv holds a B.A in Land of Israel Studies (Bar-Ilan), a Joint M.A in Judaic Studies and Jewish Education (Brandeis), as well as an M.A in Near Eastern Studies and a PhD in Jewish Thought (U of M).
Raviv is considered a leading voice in some of the global paradigm shifts concerning Jewish/Israel education, Jewish identity formation, Israel-world Jewry relations and peoplehood in the 21st century.
From Reactive to Proactive: Jewish Education and Engagement about Israel in a Post-10/7 World
Monday, November 11
2:15pm - 3:30pm